USE CASE: ABC Scenario Samples (SOX Version)
This document provides links to html representations of the ABC scenario samples within brief descriptions of the context in which they are being sent. A more extensive explanation of the ABC scenario, the actors involved and other information can be found in the associated ABC Use Case Scenario document.
The ABC scenario is set up to show a complete cycle of xCBL 3.5 messages related to the ordering and invoicing of goods. The cycle starts with availability and price check messages, followed by various messages for material ordering, modification to the order and order status checking, and is completed with the shipping and payment.
ABC Enterprise Company is purchasing parts from Dunn Manufacturing, that they use in the manufacturing of their own product, which is sold on the B2C market. ABC Enterprises is an Integrated Buyer using a purchasing application and Dunn Manufacturing is a Hosted Supplier that uses an order management system.
This cycle includes documents from xCBL 3.5.
All of the Actors, Part Numbers and Amounts are Fictional.
The Transactions (Grouped by functional type):
Synchronous Documents
- The Buyer, ABC Enterprises (BuyerSide) sends an AvailabilityCheckRequest to Dunn Manufacturing, to communicate Buyer's product requirements. This document is designed to seek the availability of goods or materials only. There is no support for ordering in the design of this document. All creation of purchase orders of shipments are handled by the Order document.
- Dunn Manufacturing (SupplierSide) sends back an AvailabilityCheckResult giving their answer. This request is only used to request the availability of goods. All the items in the list are offered by a single supplier to a single buyer.
Order Management
In this scenario we are assuming the Order that is sent out is a discrete or stand-alone Order and is a one-time commitment to the Supplier for goods.
This could be made by the Buyer filling a shopping cart on a browser interface.
- Seller may or may not send out an OrderRequest to the Buyer to see if they are ready to purchase parts that may or may not have been contracted for in previous transactions.
- The OrderRequest document is not mandatory in the transaction flow.
- Buyer sends an Order to Supplier for parts.
Order Data Requirements:
- Quantity to be shipped.
- Dates to be shipped
- Part numbers or descriptions
- Price and type of currency
- Purchase Order Number (Order Number)
- Buyer Party information
- Ship to locations
- Supplier sends an OrderResponse to Buyer saying that they have received the Order.
A ChangeOrder is Buyer-initiated.
It is optional, and answered with an OrderResponse.
In this scenario, the Buyer is sending a ChangeOrder to increase the quantity ordered from 1 to 5 of item number 2.
OrderStatusRequest & OrderStatusResult
The Buyer can send out an OrderStatusRequest to the Supplier to check on status. In this case, ABC Enterprises sends an OrderStatusRequest to Dunn Manufacturing to find out what the status of the order is.
- Buyer sends out an OrderStatusRequest to Supplier for the status of goods to be shipped is. The OrderStatusRequest references the original Order within the Detail of the OrderStatus document.
- Seller sends back an OrderStatusResult document with the status of the order. It does not give a detailed list of items from the Order, just a StatusEventCode. The code choices are: Pending, NotAccepted, Dispatched, Other.
At this point the goods are ready to be shipped and received.
Material Management
- The Seller Dunn Manufacturing sends out an ASN document when the goods are prepared for shipping. This document has its own unique ID and it references the Purchase Order the goods are being shipped against. The ASN document then gives the status of the order being shipped along with shipping dates.
- ABC Enterprises receives the goods from Dunn Manufacturing and sends a GoodsReceipt to Dunn Manufacturing. Only 100 out of the 111 ordered items were delivered to ABC. ABC Enterprises notifies Dunn Manufacturing of the short shipment and asks for the Invoice to reflect the received amount and not the shipped amount.
Invoicing & Payment