xCBL version 4.0 Structure Spreadsheets
Below are links to the the xCBL 4.0 structure spreadsheets. There is a spreadsheet for each xCBL 4.0 namespace (except for the core namespace which contains no documents,
only types). Each spreadsheet contains multiple worksheets, one for each document in the namespace.
The worksheets are collapsible and have information on structure, cardinality, data types
and XPaths.
The spreadsheets are Microsoft Excel Workbook (*.xls) files.
Application Integration
- Requisition
- AccountCheck
- GetOrder
- GetERPData
- GetERPDataResponse
- Invoice
- InvoiceResponse
- RemittanceAdvice
- PaymentRequest
- PaymentRequestAcknowledgement
- FXRateRequest
- FXRateResponse
- PaymentStatusRequest
- PaymentStatusResponse
Materials Management
- AdvanceShipmentNotice
- GoodsReceipt
- PlanningSchedule
- PlanningScheduleResponse
- ShippingSchedule
- ShippingScheduleResponse
- InventoryReport
Message Management
- MessageAcknowledgement
- ApplicationResponse
- ErrorResponse
Order Management
- Order
- ChangeOrder
- OrderResponse
- OrderStatusRequest
- OrderStatusResult
- OrderConfirmation
- OrderConfirmationResponse
- OrderRequest
Pre-Order Management
- PriceCheckRequest
- PriceCheckResult
- AvailabilityCheckRequest
- AvailabilityCheckResult
- RequestForQuotation
- Quote
- AvailabilityToPromise
- AvailabilityToPromiseResponse
Statistics and Forecasting
- TimeSeries
- TimeSeriesResponse
- TimeSeriesRequest